Collagen is a protein found naturally in the body.
Collagen is a protein found naturally in the body. It provides the mattress underpinning for soft, youthful skin, preserving its firmness and elasticity as well as the cushioning to protect joints. The body’s ability to make collagen decreases with age. We lose up to 1.5 % of collagen per year from the approximate age of 25!
This loss of collagen can also be aggravated by certain lifestyle and external factors such as smoking and sun exposure. Fine lines and wrinkles form, and the skin loses its natural hydration. Watch our expert, Dr Martin, explain what collagen is in greater detail here and how it helps counteract the visible signs of ageing. Drink GOLD COLLAGEN® liquid supplements daily to stimulate more production of collagen, reducing the appearance of wrinkles while helping to stimulate skin hydration.